Reviving the renowned name in the Japan model, Callaway introduces the X-Forged Irons 2024, designed to meet the demands of professional and advanced players alike. Crafted as a one-piece soft iron (S20C) forged version, these irons deliver exceptional feel and sound upon impact.Features & Benefits
Simple Half-Cavity Back Construction
- The X Forged Irons boast a one-piece forged construction using S20C soft iron, delivering a pure feel and crisp sound tailored for professionals and advanced players.
- The back face features a simple half-cavity structure designed to capture the ball effectively, with varying thickness levels strategically placed to optimize performance.
Highly Maneuverable Design
- These irons exhibit a compact appearance at address, with minimal offset from the neck to the leading edge and a thin top blade, facilitating easy head control.
- The lighter head weight, designed to enhance maneuverability, is a distinctive feature derived from feedback gathered from the Japanese tour.
Beveled Sole for Smooth Swing Through
- A key focus of the new X Forged Irons is their exceptional playability. The tri-level sole design incorporates beveled edges on the leading and trailing edges, allowing for a smooth swing through impact and significantly contributing to ease of ball control.
Traditional Loft Configuration
- With loft set at 33 degrees for the I#7 iron, and available from I#3 to I#9, including a PW, the X Forged Irons are tailored for skilled players seeking a traditional setup.
- Sets are available from I#5 to I#9 with a PW.